Working Hard is Hardly Working: Tips to Successfully Balance College Life

Written by: Mackenzie Lewis
When it comes to being a college student, learning how to balance all your duties can prove to be one of the most stressful components of navigating your post-secondary education. Maintaining a balance between academics, extracurriculars, working, and a social life can often lead to burnout. Trust me, we get it. There aren’t enough hours in the day to accommodate a busy schedule, and on top of that, keeping track of everything that needs to get done can even add to the stress you’re experiencing. To lighten the load, we’ve created a platform that allows you to take control of your time and manage your extracurriculars- all under one website. iCommunify is the answer to mastering event management, time tracking, and balancing busy schedules. One of the biggest challenges of being involved on campus can be remembering exactly which meetings and events you’ve signed up for- even the random ones at the beginning of the semester that you can’t seem to remember committing to. With iCommunify outlook reminders, you’ll get notified about your event and allow yourself ample time to adjust your schedule. If you decide you can no longer attend, simply deny the event reminder in the outlook app and go about your day. Your college experience is about making the most out of your time while still maintaining balance, so prioritizing yourself and your happiness is what will help your success skyrocket. While being socially and academically involved is a great way to spread your wings on campus, it’s important to realize that you are just one person. Overloading your schedule and not leaving time for yourself can have consequences beyond having a lack of free time. Overworking yourself in all aspects can lead to heavy burnout. Burnout can often be an effect of pushing yourself too hard and not correctly balancing your work in a way that overexerts your efforts. It can be caused by a multitude of reasons, but trust us, burnout will make you feel more exhausted to even complete the simplests of tasks on your checklist. For instance, someone experiencing burnout may not take interest in the things that once made you incredibly excited- such as attending certain club events or meetings. It may also lead you to lose motivation to complete assignments, study for exams, or even spending time with your friends. Learning how to leave space to just BE is more important than any necessity on your schedule, so make sure to make time for youself in order to reach your full potential. A method we recommend for this is the 75/25 idea. For 75% of the time you spend your busy college life, try to spend the other 25% preserving your energy and taking time to look after yourself. Mental health matters most, and it’s difficult to pour from an empty cup when you don’t take time to refill it. At iCommunify, we understand how frustrating it is to try to juggle everything at once- which is why our platform is designed to create the most optimal, smooth process of being involved on campus. Under just one URL, a user registered with their university can sign up for clubs, communicate with members, connect with other Universities for collaboration (see Stronger Together: Promoting Campus Collaboration Through Student Clubs – iCommunify for more information), and may other innovative features. We’ve completely cut out the hassle of having to juggle apps, fill up your planner, and fight through lengthy email chains. Being involved shouldn’t be this hard, and as college students, we understand how stressful it can be to keep up with all these components of student organizations. So, why wait? iCommunify is the answer to simplicity that you need in your college career and is the perfect tool for getting the most out of your college experience without having to burn your candle at both ends. We want to help make your life easier, more productive, and less stressful; start your journey today at   Hope these Tips to Successfully Balance College Life are helpful for you